Accountant Portal > Accountant Portal > Setting up a New Client

The Accountant Portal can be used to setup a new client to work on their record keeping in house.  Once you are logged into the portal, click Clients on the left navigation panel.

Click New Client on to top left of the client screen.

Each client you setup in house will require a subscription.  A single subscription is $399.00 + tax annually.  Each subscription can have up to five businesses attached to it, so if a client has multiple businesses you need to complete record keeping for, you are able to facilitate this.

If you have not yet setup your payment method, you will be asked to do so in this screen.  Click Purchase.

Enter the client information and business details.  You can choose to migrate their AgExpert Analyst data for them, or you can start fresh with setup.  You can also assign who will be working on this set of books, but if that is not yet known, this can be done later.  Click Save.

At this point, you can setup or migrate your client’s data, or you can close and continue this process later.

The new client will now appear on the client landing page – at the top if you did not assign a team member, and at the bottom if you did.

Last updated on August 18, 2022 by FCC AgExpert