
Introducing FCC Management Software Care Plans

Introducing FCC Management Software Care Plans

What do you need from your software? Are you eager to study and learn every aspect so you can get the most from it and your operation? Or, are you comfortable in your abilities and happy using the system as is?

Everyone’s needs are different. With this in mind, we’ve changed the way we provide customer service packages.

In the past, we offered five different plans: AgExpert Analyst, Field Manager PRO, Ultimate (which covered both products) and Ultimate 360. But as of December 1, 2013, we’re simplifying things. Now there are three care plans: Basic, Essential and Premium.

Rather than picking a plan based on your software, you’ll choose a plan that’s right for what you need. Expect more updates, more learning opportunities, and more support when you need it. In short, you’re going to get more value for your money.

Introducing the FCC Management Software Care Plans:


If all you need are basic software updates, this plan is for you. It’s a no-frills package that just gives you updates as they become available.


This plan gives you everything you need to stay on top of your game: all the software updates, access to the online community, plus great learning opportunities through Here to Help webinars, monthly emails, and technical support including remote access to your computer.


This is the best plan available. Enjoy everything in the Essential plan, and a lot more: priority call-in support, online chat support, be the first to receive product updates and take advantage of advanced training sessions, webinars and tips from industry speakers.

When it comes to software, everyone’s needs are different. Now you can choose the care plan that meets yours. 

Questions? Get answers and share your comments with other software users on our Discussion Boards or search the Knowledge Base. Plus you can always contact our FCC Management Software support staff.

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