
Who wants an easier year-end process?

Who wants an easier year-end process?

If you said “no”, then carry on with your day. For the rest of the world who wants a simplified year-end process – read on. 

With AgExpert Analyst, year-end is easier than ever. And next fiscal year is just a couple clicks away.

  • No more dealing with different year-end modes 
  • Most data files restrictions have been lifted from the Accountant’s copy.

Starting the Year-End Process

Go the Setup menu and Click on Fiscal Years. Then click on the Add Fiscal Year button. To find out more, read the Managing Year-end article. 

Creating the Accountant’s copy

Once the Fiscal year has been created, you’ll need to create the Accountant’s copy from the file Menu. 

Your accountant must have access to the Accountant’s copy of AgExpert Analyst. They’re not a current user of AgExpert Analyst? Get them to call our sales team at 1-800-667-7893. They can become an Exclusive Plus member or an AgExpert Analyst Certified Adviser to gain access to the AgExpert Analyst Accountant’s copy.

Why would your accountant want access to AgExpert Analyst?

In a word, convenience. While the file is with the accountant, you can continue working on your set of books. Your accountant can make changes to the previous year while you’ll be able to continue on with your new fiscal year.

Once you get the file back from your accountant, you’ll need to import the file back into AgExpert Analyst by going to File, Import Accountant’s copy.

What If your accountant gives you the year-end adjustments to do yourself?

Undo the Accountant’s copy from the File Menu and change the fiscal year back to the prior year. Then you can enter the adjustments. Once that’s complete, simply change the fiscal year back to the current year and continue on with the data entry. 

This new Fiscal Year Management lets you go back and forth between years simply by changing the fiscal year in the Setup Menu.

Looking for more tips on using AgExpert Analyst? Check out these links:

Recording a Capital Cost Allowance

General Journal Entries

Import Client's copy (for accountants)

Export Client's copy (for accountants)

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