Data Protection > Backup > Backing up your data file to CD or DVD

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Backing up your data file to CD or DVD

You can back up your data file to a CD-R, CD-RW or DVD via the Backup to CD/DVD dialogue box. Note: CD refers to either a CD-R or CD-RW.

To access the dialogue box, select Backup your file to a CD/DVD on the Backup Data File dialogue box, and click OK.

Volume label – Enter the volume label for the CD/DVD. It appears when you view the CD/DVD in Windows Explorer. 

Expand – Click to display advanced burning options. You only have to change the burning options if you run into a problem during the burning process. 

Erase Disc – Click to erase a CD-RW or DVD-RW. The Erase Re-Writeable CD/DVD dialogue box appears. 

Warning: If you proceed with the following steps, the data on your disc will be completely erased and you won’t be able to get it back. 

Choose one of the following options and then click Erase

  • Quick Erase – This removes the table of contents from the disc but doesn’t erase any information. The information on the disc is no longer accessible and the disc appears blank if you view it in another program such as Windows Explorer. 
  • Full Erase – This completely removes all information from the disc. It takes longer, but is a safer method of erasing your disc.

Burn – Click to begin writing your backup data file to CD/DVD.

Using the advanced CD and DVD burning options:

  • Device – This lists the installed devices (CD or DVD burners) that you can use to burn your CD or DVD. Select the device you want to use.
  • Volume type – This displays a list of file system formats that you can burn to the disc. It determines how your information is written to the disc. You should only change this option if you run into a problem during the burning process.
  • Burn speed – This lists the burning speeds for your CD or DVD burner. It determines how fast the file will be written to the disc. Normally, you should select the highest burn speed possible.
  • Close the disc when finished so no more files can be burned to it – Select this to close the disc after your backup file has been burned. If you close the disc, no more files can be written to it. You should closing the disc if you’re creating a backup for permanent archival purposes. Deselect this option to reuse the disc for your daily backups. This will leave the disc open and allow you to write to the same disc in the future.
  • Verify after burning – Select this to have the system verify your disc contents after burning is complete. The verification process takes time to complete, but it checks that all the files were properly written to the disc.

Last updated on August 25, 2014 by FCC AgExpert