Geographic Information System (GIS) > Set-up > Exporting a map

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« Field Manager PRO / PRO 360 Knowledge Base

Exporting a map

You can export operational layers from Apex in shapefile format. This allows you to export a single map layer.

To export a map layer:

  1. From the map tree, expand the ClientFarm and Field sections and select the operational layer you want to export.
      Note: You must be in the maps window to export a map.
  2. With the operational layer open in Apex, select File>Export Map> Export Map. This allows you to export a single map layer.
  3. The Save As window appears. Select the location where you want to save the exported map.
  4. Enter a unique name in the File name field.
  5. Click Save to export the map.
      Note: Apex will display a message stating the map exported successfully.

To complete a batch export:

With batch export, you can select the following options:

  • Export All
  • Export Operation Data

Export All

  1. Select File>Export Map>Batch Export.
  2. In the Export Options field located in the upper left of the screen, select Export All.
  3. Use the Export All option above the map tree to filter the data you want to export by client, operation or boundary list.
      Note: If you filter By Operations, a second filter box appears, allowing you to filter byApplicationHarvestSeedingTillage or Other.
  4. Select Export All or Export Selected from the Export Files window to simplify your selection. If you selected Export All, continue to Step 7. If you select Export Selected, continue with the next step.
  5. Select one of the following export options:
    • Zipped – Apex will compress your exported data in a .zip file format. 
    • Calibrate Data – Apex will export the calibrated data. If this box isn’t selected, Apex will export the raw data. 
  6. In the Export File Types field, select Shape file format.
  7. In the Save To Folder field, click Ellipsis to select where you want to save the data.
  8. Click OK.
  9. Select Export to export your data.

Last updated on August 25, 2014 by FCC AgExpert