Installation and Activation > Transfer/Upgrading > Transferring AgExpert Analyst software to a new computer

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Transferring AgExpert Analyst software to a new computer

To transfer your AgExpert Analyst software to a new computer:

  1. Install the latest version of your AgExpert Analyst software on the new computer. 
  2. Locate the serial number for the software. It’s on the back of your original installation DVD case underneath the bar code.
  3. Open AgExpert Analyst from the desktop shortcut.
  4. Click Activate after you have entered your email address and serial number or click on Activate by Phone and call FCC Management Software at 1-800-667-7893 to activate.
  5. Insert a current backup of your data.
  6. Open the sample data file by clicking Open Sample Data File.
  7. Select Restore from the File menu. The Restore dialogue box will appear.
  8. Click the file folder, then select the location where your backup is stored and click OK.
  9. Click the file you want to restore, verify the location you’re restoring the file to and click Restore.
  10. Select Open from the File menu, then select your file and click Open. The data file will open and be ready to use.

Last updated on June 21, 2016 by FCC AgExpert