Setup > Setup > How to report and correct a missing seed variety

When you are setting up a seed and the variety you need isn’t available in the drop-down list, let us know by selecting the “Variety Missing? Let us know.” Button.

Type in the name of the missing variety in the box as shown and then complete the seed setup. Continue entering the rest of the information in for the seed details. Once you click on Save an email notification will be sent to FCC AgExpert so that they can investigate and correct the missing item.

The Customer Care team will investigate the ensure that the item is indeed missing from the list and if so, will forward the notification on the the development team so that they can research documentation on the variety to ensure it is valid and then add it to the variety list in AgExpert Field.

Once we have completed our investigation and made any necessary corrections we will notify the customer via email so that they can update their records.

When you receive the email the last step required is to ensure that your records are pointing at the recently added variety.

  1. Log in to AgExpert Field
  2. Select More…
  3. Select Inputs
  4. Select the seed with the missing variety.
  5. Click on the “x” to remove the existing variety text label.

  6. Click on Choose and then select the newly added variety from the drop-down list.

  7. Click on Save to update your records.

By going back and updating your records with the added variety that was previously missing it ensures that your data is standardized for your records.


Last updated on May 2, 2019 by FCC AgExpert