Setup > How to share a file and add a contact > Sharing your Accounting Data

If you have a Premium subscription, you can share data with another person, such as your accountant or bookkeeper.    

On the menu on the left, select More to expand the section, so you can select Sharing.



Click the Share access button if this is the first time sharing your file.



From the slide out bar on the right, select the Choose button to select from the contact list or click the Add new to add a new contact on the fly.


When adding a new contact, include the first and last name and/or company’s name.

Ensure that there is a valid e-mail address attached to the person with whom you are sharing. Choose the access type. If sharing with your accountant, select ‘Accountant’ type. Click Send invite



The person you invited must have at least a basic subscription. If they don’t, they will have to sign up and create one on They need to accept the invitation in the email they received and sign into their own account.

If the person did not receive the invitation or if the invitation expired, click on the original invitation under the Sharing tab and on the slide out click Resend; or Cancel invitation if the person you invited doesn’t need access to your books anymore.



Last updated on April 28, 2022 by FCC AgExpert