Transactions > Transactions - Information > Importing Bank Transactions in CSV Format

Importing Bank Transactions in CSV Format

Before importing your bank transactions, you need to download the CSV file from your online banking account.  Please contact your financial institution if you need assistance finding how to do this.

Once downloaded, the file can be found in your downloads folder but can be moved to your desktop or any other area you prefer.

In AgExpert Accounting, select Banking, then Import transactions in the left navigation bar. 

Click Import.

Select the bank account you will be importing transactions for.  In the Import CSV file section, click Browse and select the file you downloaded.

Another screen will open that will allow you to work with the CSV file you have selected.  Box 1 allows you to assign setup options for the CSV file itself.

You will want to refer to the Preview in box 3.  As you change options, the preview will adjust, and you will want to make sure everything looks the way you expect before saving.

The toggle for the header row should be on if each column in the preview box has a name (such as Transaction Date).  If there are no names, and each row is just a transaction, you will want to turn this toggle off.

If there is a header row, and it is not a the top, you can enter the row number the header is on using Header row is on line.

Some files have the amount of the transaction as a single column, and others have deposits in one column and withdrawals in another.  You will want to tell the tool if you need one or two columns for the transaction amount.

Finally, if you only want to import a block of transactions, you can tell the tool which range of transactions to import.  This is useful if the file contains some transactions from a prior or the next month that you either have already dealt with or want to deal with later.

Box 2 will allow you to map your columns to an area of the transaction screen in Accounting.  Every financial institution uses a different format, so there is some flexibility to make sure your file imports correctly.  Using the preview in box 3, make sure to map the transaction date and format, description, and transaction amount columns.  If your file contains 2 columns for the transaction amount, you will be able to map your withdrawal amount and your deposit amount.

Make sure the preview in box 3 looks correct before continuing.

Click Review once you are ready to continue.

The next screen will display your transactions using the format provided.  It will also show if any transactions were excluded.  You can go back and fix things if needed by clicking Change import options on the top left.

At the bottom right, give a name to this template so that you can use it in the future without having to set things up from scratch.  Click Import when done.

The larger screen will disappear, and you will be given a basic import screen where you can select to import each individual transaction.  Import these transactions as normal, coding them to the correct accounts as normal.

Last updated on June 16, 2022 by FCC AgExpert