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Entering information for Ontario’s Self Directed Risk Management (SDRM) Program

Self Directed Risk Management (SDRM) is a risk management program run by AgriCorp in Ontario. It allows producers to invest extra cash for future use.

SDRM is similar to AgriInvest. If you’re an eligible producer, you’ll receive a deposit notice based on your allowable net sales. You’ll then send a check to AgriCorp for deposit. The Ontario government matches the deposit and you can withdraw these funds at a later date.

You must enrol in AgriStability to be eligible for this program. All calculations are based on the Statement A that’s submitted with your income tax return.

SDRM information is easier to enter than AgriInvest due to some key differences between the programs. For example, there’s no equity stop in between the government deposit and your withdrawal, and you don’t have to differentiate between Fund 1 and Fund 2. The funds are also non-interest bearing, meaning there are no extra transactions.

Enter a deposit to your SDRM account as follows:

Enter the Government of Ontario’s matching contribution as follows:

Enter a withdrawal from your SDRM account as follows:


Last updated on September 2, 2016 by FCC AgExpert