
Analyze your farm profitability with AgExpert Field 

How profitable is your farm? How do you know for sure? With AgExpert Field, you can track and forecast your profitability to easily compare your performance from one crop or field to another. When you track your input and operating costs in AgExpert Field, they’re summarized in the Profitability Report, along with your historical yields and sale prices. 

Create your profitability projections

In your AgExpert Field account, expand the Reports tab and select Profitability. You can edit projections for any field by clicking on each row to manually adjust costs and yield prices for each crop. Continue working with your fields until all your crops projections are set. 


Select the YTD tab to populate the data with year-to-date information. You can sort each column from low to high, or high to low by hovering your mouse over the column name and clicking the arrows that appear.  

As you track activities throughout the year, you can compare your projections to your actual year-to-date data. This lets you to stay on track and make informed management decisions.

Click the Help button on the top right to get details of calculations included in each column of the report. Note: the sale price defaults to the most recent unit price on a contract or delivery for the fields crop and is not specific to the field.  

Generate your reports by clicking Print for a paper copy, or Export to PDF or Excel and save the reports for review.


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